Donna Dolphy Yorkville Salon

Last Friday I had the pleasure of having my hair transformed in Yorkville, 88 Scollard St. 2nd Floor at renowned hair expert Donna Dolphy Yorkville Salon and we were so happy with the results. Follow along with me now and see how Donna worked her magic, from consultation, dye, non-kiss blowdry technique, and curling. I feel gorgeous AF.

As you can see, it was definitely time to visit Donna Dolphy. I had a good centimeter of root to dye. I like to see how long I can take it before a salon visit. By the time you give in and book an appt it’s beyond time to get your hair did lol.

You can see my roots and also that my hair is blond and red at the same time. Donna helped alleviate me of some of that red and added more blond. Clearly, I had not washed my hair in a few days #hippie.

In the shadows meanwhile my hair is dark yo. Not now! I look like Aslan the Lion from Narnia. rawr.

When I arrived, Donna was at the ready with hair inspiration for me. The December issue of British Vogue (not yet out at the time)(altho we had a copy, she just came back from overseas) has a great Gucci spread. We culled from the colours and inserted into my hair.

The yellows and red and tones from the wallpaper. Nice work Donna! Great eye. Hair stylist on fleek.

I was excited about this because I was hoping to go more blond anyway. People tend to get up in arms about Raymi’s hair. Divided. Team blonds vs brunettes. Then the reds when I do that look from a box out of laziness. I don’t want to be ice white platinum again but a warm blond, strawberry. You know what I mean.

More behind scenes magic.

Trying to instagram and be very still at the same time. This was an early appt (for me) and naturally I was up late too.

I have the pink one thanks to Donna. The smell is over-the-top delicious for days.

First we do up the roots.

Section, by section. This part amazes me as I have no clue. I’d just blob it on everywhere and hope for the best.

Paint me, baby.

Separating my hair. I wonder how annoying doing hair is? When we took the towel off after being rinsed I noticed Donna going into artist mode, totally swept away by her craft and then once my mane was non-kiss blow-dried (her signature) and curled it was like the world melted away and it was just Donna and my hair. Total beauty moment. We were engaged in conversation or whatever and then silence. Shock and awe by my hair.

I saw a meme the other day about a woman sitting in the salon chair looking at herself in the mirror and wondering quietly if she had always looked this ugly ahhahaha. So true. Sitting for three hours in front of a mirror will make you go through a cascade of emotions.

Highlights time. I love this technique of hers. I don’t want my hair to be fried so I am a big supporter of this freestyle, delicate manner of gently dragging it through random strands. Thanks Donna.

Then she put this fancy cling-wrap on me – helps the process. If yer in the hair world in any capacity, you know this.

Lady Donna has won many awards! If you go to her and say Raymi sent you, you will be hooked up ;).

Back to the magic now. I love how my hair colour tones turned out, blended and I see she didn’t do the whole head as I had blond from my last visit to her salon. She asked if my eyelashes were real. FLATTERING.

My hair is so long it tucks into the chair so I had to be careful to sit foreward. I smushed it a few times. I am the worst. She gave me a cut too even though I sternly said I was growing it. It has to be cut cos it looks like a weed. Donna just goes for it and I am not about to stop someone with scissors in her hand. I love the blunt straight edge Donna does to my locks and look forward to washing and drying my hair straight to see the effect again yet I just realized I have pics of the process anyway duh. It’s just nice to see it again for the first time.

That’s so Raymi.

I should add a photo of Aslan forget it just click this I googled it for you that’s what I felt like when I walked home from my lunch meeting as the sun blasted my strawberry blond flaming head.

Spectacular. So happy. The older you get the more you’re supposed to upgrade your look, polish, dress nicer. Mature. As modern as I am and sloppy, I still adhere to certain old world beauty standards and expectations. I am a woman. That’s my jam. You can get away with wearing less or cheaper threads if your hair is like POW and no one can compete, nahhmean?

Donna Dolphy exclaimed how pretty my hair was over and over again as she worked with it. We were all pumped.

My hair matched my glasses. Even my skin it felt like. She brought it RIGHT to the root. I asked if we should do my eyebrows too. Donna said no. It’s younger to have darker eyebrows. Noted.

I nodded off sitting still at points. So zen.

New angle time.

Look I’m on my phone again. I wonder if Donna reads over my shoulder. I assume she is too busy.

The following gig benefited from my hair and thank you in advance babe!

My shoes are from Holland fyi. Donna is looking chic as usual.

Then the hottest girl ever showed up. She had an appt as well. We all fawned over her and became instant pals I kept it chill.

Rapunzel hair flip.

Have mercy.


And have we spoken about the facilities? It’s high class in there. The rooftop is to die for. We had a ball up there over the summer.

Time to get the money shot.

I tried really hard not to be jealous of that girl. I don’t think anybody could tell. Hope I wasn’t snotty. I have her card. I’ll give her a solid lurk soon.

Do you see how talented this woman is, my God.

And that’s that! See you soon Toronto.